Wednesday 31 October 2012


Risk Assessment

There were all the risks that I could think that we may run into during our shoot for the time being. I also felt that there were the most likely obstacles we are going to face during out shoot period. The resolutions I feel will help us to avoid majority of these problems that we have highlighted we may face and if we stick to these then we should be able to have a nice easy fun safe shoot for us and our artist and actors.

production schedule

This is the rough outline of what our production schedule is going to be like. We hope to complete the London shots of the course of one day as we know that it will cost money to travel there and so don't want to waste peoples money in making them return for more shots.
As well as most of our filming is due to take place outside we will also need to be aware of weather and so depending on the weather at time planned for shoot this may be subject to change as well as train shots and London times as this will revolve  around train times fully. We hope though that the times listed will not be far off the times on the day.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

music video inspirations

Our music video has taken many forms of inspirations from movies and other music videos. There have been two great music videos that have inspired us enough that we have decided to use some of their themes and techniques into out own music video. One of them is Taylor Swift Mine we are using the theme of the photos in the forest being her own place in her mind where she can escape to her in memories. We loved the effect this had on her music video that we have decided to go down a similar route and incorporate this theme into out music videos chorus.

Another music video we have taken great influence from is The Wanted Warzone. We became inspired by the way that the story was the same throughout for all 4 members where there girlfriends were cheating on them and they were following them watching them, the difference in the video was that the story was shown by following each character from different points in the story and matched them using graphic matches and the story would continue. We loved this technique so much that we have decided to use a great number of graphic matches throughout our music video.

Artist Image

Thursday 4 October 2012

Case Study - Birdy

Skinny Love

References to films

One of our shot ideas has come from a film known as the 'Royal Tenenbaums'. The shot consists of he male gaze, where as the woman walks towards the man she walks in slow motion and is surrounded by light making her look like shes floating in an angelic way. In our music video were using this in the way that he's looking at her, he adores her, a look of love.

We intend to take the scene and use it in a different way. In the scene we see her step off a bus, we intend to use the shot on a bridge as she walks towards him, a meeting of lovers.

Also in the shot we can see that there is a beige colour around her, making her seem warm and homely.

Another film reference we are encountering is the opening to JUNO. The cartoon moving picture effect we thought was really effective and so we have decided that we would like to use the same method. For the narrative parts of our music video we are going to use this moving picture technique and have  a cartoon effect over the top as we feel it sets a nice tone to our song gone & been and also fits  the mood of it. We will not use this effect within the performance side of the video just so we can exercise some more techniques and also add another feeling and a whole other side to the music video. We also are using the performance side to be 'hyper real' by having this as her safe haven within her mind and then the narrative to be the 'realism'.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

music video initial ideas

Here are some ideas the I got from our artists songs. We decided to go with Danni Burtons song Gone&Been. In all the ideas the theme that came through was always similar, being love and loss. Her voice is always soft and angelic like, so with this I took one idea and went with the theme and loss, but on another idea page I went with the theme of love and contentment also. I camp up with ideas of a daughter saying good bye to her father, another idea was a girl who wasn't sure of what she was doing anymore and the final idea was of a girl wanting to her relationship to mean more.