Tuesday 11 September 2012


This is the front cover of my digipak. 

This is the back cover of my digipak.

This is a middle section of my digipak. 
As another one of the bootcamp tasks we had to make an image for ourselves as if we were an artist. We had to then make our own costume and makeup theme for the photoshoot, that we would later use to produce the digipak. For this task we had to decide on an image for ourselves and make our costume, makup, hair and props and insured that they matched the image we were going for. I decided to go for the Lilly Allen type look wich is a feminine chav look. We then had to keep to the theme in order to make the backgrounds to the digipacks again match and also the song titles we would use. I decided to go for a graffeti wall background and then place a bright white background behind me to ensure that I stood out from the background. We had to create our images by using photoshop. As I was no good at using this I asked help from a friend who used the software often. She showed me what to do and how to cut the images to the size I wanted and how cut my image neatly from its origanal background. We also used the white background behind the text to make sure it could be read and didnt blend into the background too much.
I found this task very helpful as I was able to learn how to use photoshop. This task will help me later on when we have to make a digipak for our chosen artist. This task was a lot of fun to complete although fining a theme and sticking to it was difficult at times.

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