Sunday 4 November 2012

lyrics analysis

We took the idea of a relationship coming to an end and a new relationship starting from the opening lyric of "come around have a beer all is good when you are near" and also the repetitive chorus line of "dreaming of the gone and been". We felt that a bittersweet  lost love conflicting with a new love felt the best fit to the lyrics and the mood of the tone being set. We planned to shoot the whole video but after making our animatic decided that we actually like the visual style of photographs for the narrative suited the mood to the song quite nicely and helped keep the old relationship and the new relationship visual style different to stop confusion. We also felt that the lyric "I keep dreaming of the gone and been" sounds dreamy so decided to make this her 'place' inside her head where she escapes to with her thoughts and feeling conflicting together but at the same time she is safe there and nothing can hurt her. 

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